With so many people defaulting on credit cards and other loans, credit scores have been dropping like a rock over the past 6 months. One thing to keep in mind however is that with all the added work these companies are undertaking reporting write offs and non payments, there could be some errors that are being reported as well that could adversely affect your credit score without you knowing it.
You can get a free copy of your credit report online these days due to a federal law that gives all Americans access once per year. You can use this information to increase your score higher than you previously would have thought possible. You must know what to look for, and here's a good place to start.
Once you have your report, you obviously will want to check for any errors that are blatantly standing out. If you do find any errors you can have them removed within 30 days. If you simply write in to the agency that's reporting the error they will be forced to investigate the claim and verify it's authenticity. If they find it to be inaccurate they will have it promptly removed therefore increasing your credit score by as much as 100 points!
There's a good chance that you are like me though and feel like your credit report couldn't possibly have any errors in it. I used to feel this way until I found an old cell phone account that had been incorrectly reported as written off which was dragging my score down to the low 600's. I had this removed and I'm sure you can guess what happened to my score. You guessed it, 700 plus!
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